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St. Gabriel and All Angels
The Liberal Catholic Church in Fairfield, Iowa


Fr. James Palmer

In the Confiteor: Thou, O Lord, hast made us for Thyself:
I also think it can be said He has made us of Thyself

Fr. James Palmer

Dear Members and Friends of St. Gabriel and All Angels,

A small team has been working this week to establish an easy way for you to participate in Sunday’s Holy Eucharist via a Live Stream over the internet. It’s quite simple and straightforward and can be used on a computer, a tablet or a cell phone.

Of course all our church family is yearning to be together in our lovely church. Until the government church closures are lifted, we think that the Live Stream will go a long way in sustaining our devotion and connection. We are using technology, but the Holy Spirit has no bounds. This is the time for more prayer and kindness than ever before.

Fr. James Palmer

What meaning does Christ’s birth have for us in this time?
-- Christ’s commandments to us:
----Love the Lord your God with all your heart,
----With all your mind, with all your strength;
----Love your neighbor as yourself

Fr. James Palmer

Words have power.

Power comes from within, from the Will or the Intention.

The Will/Intention are fueled in various ways:
- by the Ego
- from Purity
- or Goodness
- and Virtue
- and what is Right
- also by Silence/Expansiveness

Donna Miller

When we think of being open-minded, we usually think of being non-judgmental, being open to new ideas and different viewpoints, being willing to expand our perspective, to change and grow in our understanding of life and of others. And these are definitely all examples of openness of mind. But, in today’s Intent, as seen in the readings for today, there is a deeper meaning revealed.


Bp Thomas

Seeking and loving God is not so hard. A loving relationship with each one of us is already God's project. The place for us to put the pedal to the metal is in developing our trust of God. Lean into that trust, and see what happens! Then repeat, repeat, repeat!

Donna Miller

...In the writings of Christian mystics, the word unknowing is applied to a necessary part of spiritual growth, a dramatic shift in identity—that is, in order to shift into a genuine complete knowing of our divine heritage, we have to unknow our assumption that we are separate from God or from all of creation or that we are unworthy of God’s love...


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